Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Great Reads!

I have a few favorite books on personal finances that I will recommend to you. My top four are: Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace, Larry Burkett's Debt-Free Living, Sandra Hunt's The Financially Confident Woman, and Financial Survival in Uncertain Times by Deborah Pegues. I have been reading about wise financial doings for a long-time, but not making a serious commitment to following the principals. Now, I must, or we face dire straits. I try to read every day at least one chapter of any of these books or other articles online or in the paper to remind myself what it is we are trying to accomplish, which helps when I am at the mall or Target and an item is screaming "You need me!" I can walk away much more easily if I have in the forefront of my brain how I got into this mess and where I want to be in a month, year, ten years. I wrote out Dave Ramsey's "Seven Steps to Financial Peace" on an index card and posted it on a kitchen cabinet. Anything to keep our goals in mind.

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