Sunday, August 15, 2010

How Not to Shop

In general, I need to leave the kids at home when I shop. I am too much of a softie when it comes to, "Mom can I have some gum?" or "Mom can I get (insert some junk food I don't normally buy)?" Yesterday I took my two youngest to get haircuts, and I forgot the cardinal rule before going anywhere: inform them ahead of time that you are not buying hair products. I thought of it, and then I didn't do it. So guess what? I return to pick them up and the 10 year old asks for the hair products that made her long, thick, sometimes frizzy hair become super-smooth. She wanted both of them, so I told her, only to stop the whining (bad move) that she could pick one. Well, that one was $26.00!!! I was using points I had earned for their haircuts, so I said yes, and I earned points toward future purchases by buying the little bottle of goo. If it weren't for that, I would have said no for sure. Still, I spent $26.00 I didn't need to spend because I was afraid to say no. Why? That is the question. I am learning to say no and being a planner not an impulsive spender. Sigh. I did tell her that from now on she has to spend her own allowance on any hair products! Thank you God for your grace when I mess up!

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